How To Understand Your Period Blood Introduction Your Period Blood is your monthly report card. It tells you everything you need to know about your body and menstrual cycle. It’s considered normal for your period blood to range from different…
In this article we will shed light on why you should teach your child about good touch and bad touch to empower them to protect themselves against sexual abuse.
In this article we explain why Real Life Skills is essential for your child in late childhood and early teenage years.
Everything you need to know about periods Do you know that Menstrual blood (blood which comes out during periods) is the only source of blood that is not traumatically induced? Yet in modern society, this is the most hidden blood,…
Best 3 Online Live Hobby Classes For Kids in India There are numerous online live hobby classes for kids in India such that it has become very confusing to choose the right class. Some doubts might pop up in your…
As per a survey, “Pornography was the most-mentioned “helpful” source of information for 18- to 24-year-olds. Every parent knows that one day they shall have to talk to their child about sex. In India, in absence of a comprehensive, age appropriate and…
Ioza Learning is India's 1st live academy for sexual & menstrual health for ages 8 to 18 taught by certified instructors with 20+ years of experience.