Online sex education and period education classes for kids by ioza learning

The Rise of Online Hobby Classes for After School Activities.

Online hobby classes for kids have been available for years, offering a range of benefits that traditional classroom learning cannot provide. The world of education has experienced a tremendous shift in recent years, with the advent of online learning. The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the transition to online learning, but it is not a new concept.

Related: 3 Best Hobby Classes For your Child in 2023

Online hobby classes for kids have become increasingly popular, as they offer a fun and engaging way for children to learn new skills and pursue their interests. Children today are more digitally savvy than ever before, and online classes provide an interactive and engaging learning experience that can be tailored to their individual needs.

Read More: How Does Online Hobby Classes Empower Your Child?

Why Online Hobby Classes After School is Important

Online classes have several advantages over traditional classroom learning. One of the biggest benefits is flexibility. Online classes allow students to learn at their own pace, and from anywhere in the world. This is particularly important for school-going kids who may have busy schedules with school, homework, and other activities.

Other benefits of online classes for school going kids include:


      • Increased access to resources and expertise.

      • More opportunities for personalized learning.

      • Improved communication and collaboration skills.

      • A greater sense of independence and responsibility.

      • The ability to develop self-discipline and time management skills.

    Online hobby classes for kids offer additional benefits that can help children develop new skills and enrich their lives.

    Something Related: Why Online Learning For Kids is Crucial in the 21st Century?

    How Ioza Learning’s Online Hobby Classes Helps Parents in Improving Their Child’s Abilities

    Ioza Learning offers parents with kids aged 6 to 18 world-class and affordable online learning of real life skills, extracurricular & co-curricular activities for their children to upskill, explore and follow their curiosity, find their passion and grow up to be future leaders of India. With teachers of more than 20 years of experience in the field, Ioza Learning is India’s first live academy for sexual and menstrual health for children of today to raise future leaders of tomorrow. The platform is designed to provide a fun and engaging learning experience that can help children develop new skills and pursue their passions.

    Know More About Us: Hello World

    At Ioza Learning, our expert teachers offer live classes in Sex Education & Period Education for children aged 8 to 18. One of the most striking feature of Ioza Learning is that at least 75% of our classes & curriculum is full of activity, quizzes, online games, comics and videos! We emphasize on learn by doing and every class is taught via case study method, where we present a real world based case study and tell our students to choose what they would do in such a situation. This builds their analytical and decision-making skills as well, empowering them to make the correct decision when time comes in real life.

    Something Interesting: How Watching Porn Damages Young People understanding Of Sex

    Having taught over 100+ students all over the country, Ioza learning is India’s first and fastest growing live academy for sexual & menstrual health for kids aged 8 to 18.

    Know more: Teach Your Child Good Touch Vs Bad Touch

    Why is Ioza Learning’s Sex Ed & Period Ed Classes Are Much Needed?

    Online hobby classes for kids and live sex education classes for kids India, Kolkata by Ioza Learning


    Why Sex Education Is Needed In India

    There are several reasons why sex education courses are necessary in India, especially in light of the increasing incidence of child abuse:


        1. Lack of awareness: Many children in India are not aware of what constitutes healthy sexual behaviour, leading to a lack of understanding of boundaries and consent. Sex education can provide children with accurate information about healthy relationships and boundaries.

        1. Protection from abuse: Sex education can help children recognize signs of abuse and understand the importance of reporting inappropriate behaviour. It can also provide children with tools to protect themselves from abuse. It is the only deterrent against sexual abuse in India.

        1. Prevention of STIs and unwanted pregnancy: Sex education can help prevent the spread of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and unwanted pregnancy by teaching children about safe sex practices.

        1. Reducing stigma: Sex education can help break down the stigma surrounding sexual abuse and encourage open communication about sensitive topics.

        1. Empower kids: Sex Education gives children & teenagers the tools and knowledge to enable them to protect themselves and promote healthy relationships.

      Related: How Sex Education is Equal to Sexual Wellness

      Sex education can provide children with the knowledge and tools to protect themselves from abuse, prevent the spread of STIs, and promote healthy relationships. Given the rising incidence of child abuse in India, sex education courses are necessary to address these issues.

      Related: How to Navigate Peer Pressure & Relationships in the Digital Age

      About Ioza Learning

      At Ioza Learning we are on a mission to mitigate child abuse in India & create a safer future for the next generation.

      Through our innovative and engaging curriculum, we are breaking the silence on child sexual abuse and teaching children about healthy relationships, boundaries, and consent. Our goal is to give children the confidence and tools to speak up and protect themselves, while also promoting a culture of openness and support for survivors.

      To every parent: Ready to give your child access to high-quality online hobby classes from educators with 20+ cumulative years of experience? Book a class with Ioza Learning today – Your child’s first step towards empowerment begins at! Or share this article with other parents who want to help their kids learn and grow.

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