Comprehensive Sex Education

Live Classes For Boys and Girls

Taught By Certified CSE Educator With 20+ Years of Cumulative Experience (Age Appropriate Curriculum)

Our Pricing

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Comprehensive Sex Education (CSE) For Age 8 to 13

Live Class Taught By Certified Teachers

Rs 500/Class
  • 4 Classes - (On Weekends)

    Classes To Be Held Only On Weekends

  • Unique Capstone Project 🏆
  • Small Size of Class (1:3) 🤏

    Age Appropriate Curriculum

  • Ask Your Doubts 24/7 🤷🏻

    Ask Any & All Doubts In Live Classes And After Classes In WhatsApp Groups And Personal Chat

  • Certificate of Completion🎓
  • Awesome Community 🧑‍🤝‍🧑
  • 1 Class/Week 📆

    40 Minutes Classes - Only On Weekends


Comprehensive Sex Education (CSE) For Age 14 to 18

Live Classes Taught By Certified Teachers

Rs 500/Class
  • 5 Classes - (On Weekends)

    Classes To Be Held Only On Weekends

  • Unique Capstone Project🏆
  • Small Size of Class (1:3) 🤏

    Age Appropriate Curriculum

  • Ask Your Doubts 24/7 🤷🏻

    Ask Any & All Doubts In Classes and After Classes in WhatsApp Groups & Personal Chat 24/7

  • Certificate of Completion🎓
  • Awesome Community 🧑‍🤝‍🧑
  • 1 Class/Week 📆

    40 Minutes Classes - Only On Weekends

Our Curriculum

Family, Friendship, Marriage and Dating

Good Touch Vs Bad Touch

Male and Female Anatomy and Doubts

Cyber Bullying and Stalking

Sexual Abuse, Laws and Regulation

Mental Health and Peer Presure

STD and Contraception

Periods and Hygiene

Sexuality and LGBTQ

Ioza Learning Educators

Our Teachers Are The Best Of The Best With 20+ Years Of Cumulative Expertise & Certified CSE Educators

All About Periods Live classes for kids by Ioza learning India Kolkata

Why Teach Your Child About Sex Education?

Do You Know That Sex Education Is The Only Deterrent Against Sexual Abuse?

Sex education helps prevent child abuse by teaching children about healthy relationships, boundaries, and consent. By providing children with the knowledge and tools to recognize and report inappropriate behaviour, they are better equipped to protect themselves and seek help when needed. Additionally, sex education can help break down the stigma surrounding sexual abuse and encourage open communication, which can further support prevention efforts.

Teaching children protective skills is an important part of sex education in the early years. This includes teaching children about secrets, body safety, feelings, early warning signs, persistence, public and private, personal space, having a safety team and more. Being approachable means that kids know that they can tell thier parents anything. And that includes sexual abuse. Plus they will be having the protective skills to recognise it and to try and stop it

Gender is very different from sex. Sex is something that is assigned at birth ie male, female or intersex and is pretty much based on what your genitals look like at birth. Whereas gender is something that we work out for ourselves and is pretty much based on how we feel ie do you feel like a boy, or a girl, or both or maybe neither. ids will grow up with a healthy sense of what it is to be male and female. So they will play with toys that are gender-neutral as well as with toys that target the same or opposite gender

By talking to our kids about their bodies in an open and honest way, we are giving them the message that there is nothing to be ashamed of. Kids are more likely to be happier with the body that have instead of wanting what they haven’t got! There is a lot of pressure today to have the perfect body and to look a certain way!

Your teen is more likely to make informed and responsible sexual decisions in later life.

Information about sex isn’t permission to be sexual. It simply empowers teens to make smarter decisions about sex. And there is plenty of research to back up the fact that kids who miss out on sex education are the ones that end up making bad choices because of ignorance or misinformation. Plus when we talk to our kids about sexual values, we are providing them with a framework to make good decisions. Instead of letting them be guided by their peers and what they see in the media (tv, movies, internet, magazines, etc).

A teenager’s first experience of sex is more likely to be wanted, protected and competent.

Consent is an important part of sex education. Teens with a good understanding of consent are better able to make smarter sexual decisions. Plus when they are sexual with a partner, they are more likely to enjoy what they are doing and to be doing it safely.

Teenagers are more likely to be aware of how to avoid unwanted pregnancy and abortion.

Most unplanned pregnancies in teens happen because of ignorance ie they didn’t know how to prevent pregnancy. Or they had the wrong information or didn’t fully understand what they were told.

So information about contraception will empower your child to make smart sexual decisions. Those Teenagers are more likely to avoid sexually transmitted infections (STIs).